Blue Flower

Here is my idea for a strategy to build Lean thinking in the organization. I will focus mainly on the idea that every employee of the organization (in this case I will use a software company with about 20-30 employees) has the feeling that the company he works for is not just a job that brings him a monthly income, but a place where he feels really good and walks willingly to this place.

Currently, the business environment of software companies is such that it is not difficult for an employee to change his place of work from one company to another almost immediately. (Reference: "Lean training and integration in organizations",

The main factor, of course, is the remuneration he receives. But very often it happens that the worker goes to work in a new company, for about 5% -10% higher salary and only then he realizes that in fact, he is now less happy than in his previous job, although for more money.

For this reason, more and more organizations are starting to focus on improving their working environment rather than constantly and uncontrollably raising salaries to keep their staff.
My main idea is to make employees accept the company as a place where they feel good, are respected, and valued not only for their professional qualities but also for personal ones. Their opinion is sought and heard by senior management.
Main areas in which I would work:

Choosing an office that is accessible to staff with cars - salaries in the sector are above average and almost all employees have their cars. Choosing an office in the city center, where parking is a big problem and expensive (blue/green area) - is not the best idea. Many employees will be happy if they work a little further from the center, but there is free parking for them

Slightly freer working hours - as Scrum focuses more on a division of tasks rather than on a continuous business process, one can consider giving employees a little freedom to control their working hours. Naturally, this implies that they are responsible and disciplined and not abusive. Deviations due to sick children, elderly parents, and important personal commitments are completely normal, as long as the deadlines for the tasks are met. (For reference visit the original source:

Attractive office environment - the office can have rooms for rest and entertainment (without overdoing it); a small kitchenette with a good coffee machine (some employees would appreciate it); more broken meeting rooms - especially useful for brainstorming method.

Free additional courses - some employees would be quite happy if the company provides them with additional qualifications - whether we are talking about a software course, a foreign language, management, etc.

Teambuilding - joint vacations or entertainment increase friendships, break the ice, and lead to a more favorable working environment. (See the author's idea:

Workwear - While the lower-level staff is more likely to wear more casual wear, senior management should use more formal and formal wear. This creates a sense of respect and solidity in the lower staff.

Assisting senior staff teams. If possible and with adequate knowledge, managers can help their team with the work, if necessary to meet deadlines. This is always a better option than accusing you of failing to meet deadlines.

The idea that it is normal to make mistakes - everyone makes mistakes, but if we create the idea that this is normal and does not lead to financial sanctions or accusations, then the working environment will improve and employees will not be constantly tense.

On the one hand, I would like to point out the possible reluctance of some employees to change their habits, even for a better environment. On the other hand, there may be too many ideas and requests that cannot be implemented practically and financially. This, in turn, will be discouraging for some whose ideas are not accepted.

As a problem, we can predict that excessive improvement of the working environment can lead to more leisurely work. The limit of good relations and a serious approach to the implementation of the set tasks and deadlines must not be exceeded.